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COVID-19 Policy

Corporate worship is one of the hallmarks of the church according to Hebrews 10:25. To make sure that every member is reasonably comfortable, and the space is conducive for worship, the following steps have been taken:

  1. The building has been and will continue to be cleaned and sanitized after every use.

  2. HVAC units have been serviced to ensure efficient air flow.

  3. Sanitizing stations and other personal protective equipment (PPE) have been purchased and are available onsite for use during worship.

  4. Seating has been rearranged to maximize social distancing.

  5. Signs have been posted around the building regarding health and safety guidelines.

  6. Check-in protocols and screening have been implemented.


Below, please find additional details that are important for you to know:

  • All members and/or visitors are asked to follow the CDC guidelines, and wear a mask over your mouth and nose to prevent the spread of illness to those most vulnerable among us. Masks will be provided at the entry if needed.

  • Members and/or visitors who have symptoms should notify The Mount via the online COVID Reporting Form or call the church office at 214.428.2990, and stay home. CDC recommends testing for people with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and for all close contacts of persons with COVID-19. Someone from The Mount will follow up with you to determine close contacts and notify them immediately and appropriately. 

  • Members and/or visitors who are sick with COVID-19 should isolate and follow CDC-recommended steps. Members and/or visitors who are asymptomatic (have no symptoms) or pre-symptomatic (not yet showing symptoms) but have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection should also isolate and follow CDC-recommended steps. Members and/or visitors should not return to church until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with healthcare providers.

  • Members and/or visitors  who are well but who have a sick household member with COVID-19 should notify The Mount via the online COVID Reporting Form or call the church office at 214.428.2990, stay home and follow CDC-recommended precautions.

  • We will keep a log of those attending worship services in-person in the event contact tracing is necessary.

  • Please arrive between 10:30AM-10:45AM so that you can get through the COVID-19 health screening before worship service starts at 11:00AM. We want to prevent a line from forming if possible. Please show deference to our senior citizens if a line does form, allowing them to move ahead so they can be quickly seated.

  • Please obey ushers and greeters for seating and dismissal.

  • Sunday School and Wednesday Bible Night Bible Study will remain 100% virtual until further notice.

  • Safe seating is important. Family groups may sit close together, but everyone else should social distance.

  • We will suspend our greeting period during our worship service to avoid physical contact.

  • A locked box will be available to place your tithes and offering in, as there will not be the traditional passing of the offering plate until further notice. You may also continue to use (Mount Moriah Dallas), Zelle (  or church

P O Box 763459, Dallas TX 75376.

  • We will continue to observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month using proper health and safety guidelines. Communion will be served using individual, prepackaged kits (cup and wafer). Those continuing worship virtually may pick up your kits on the Friday before the first Sunday or make arrangements with the Deacons Ministry for delivery.

  • Should you need water, please see an usher for bottled water, as the water fountain will not be in service.

  • If you are sick at all, in any way, please stay at home. If you are running a fever of 100.4° or higher, please stay at home. If you have been in contact with anyone within the last two weeks who is sick in any way or have traveled beyond your normal circle, please be sure to quarantine for 14 days prior to joining us for in-person worship.

  • Pastoral counseling will be virtual, or in-person with social distancing if necessary.

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