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Our spiritual journey started in August 1901 when the Holy Spirit moved on the heart of the late Reverend H.C. Curry to organize a church in the southern portion of the City of Dallas. He asked a few faithful Christians to meet in the home of Brother and Sister L.R. Wright to hold a prayer meeting and discuss the organization of a church. The prayer meeting was held on the Wright's front porch. Thus, a church was born. Promptly on the first Lord's Day in February 1902, being the second day of the month, the late Reverend H.C. Curry called the group together and proceeded to organize a Missionary Baptist Church. The church name was submitted by Brother A.J. Sherman, that of Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church.


There were great periods of growth in the life of Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church recorded during the pastorate of the late Reverend Benjamin Franklin Briggs. August 15, 1937, marked the beginning of Reverend B.F. Briggs' tenure at Mount Moriah. Pastor Briggs was concerned about the spiritual and physical well-being of his members, and one of his first goals was insuring that all departments received proper literature for Bible Study.


In August 1967, at the request of Pastor Briggs, a spiritual assistant, Reverend Robert D. Reed, was chosen as the church's Assistant Pastor. Reverend Reed immediately began to lead the church progressively upward in all areas. The church voted and called Reverend Robert D. Reed as the Pastor of Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church on August 9, 1971.


For thirty seven years, Mount Moriah grew spiritually, financially and physically under the leadership of Pastor Reed. Through his determination to lead Mount Moriah toward the realization of a New Testament Church, Pastor Reed adopted as his major emphasis the study of God's Word. Through his leadership several systematic Bible Study programs have been established: Evangelical Teaching Training Association Courses, Wednesday Night Bible Study, Doctrinal Studies offered through Baptist Training Union, and the Bible Conference Crusade on Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.



​In 2007, Rev. Johnny C. Smith was named Pastor and Dr. R.D. Reed assumed Senior Pastorship. In 2012, we celebrated 110 years of Church existence. Among the Anniversary highlights was the unveiling of the new proposed edifice under The Lord Build the House (LBTH) campaign. This building program was adopted and approved by the membership of Mount Moriah in 2010. Led by God, our Pastor, Rev. Johnny C. Smith envisions an edifice that will better serve the members of Mount Moriah and its community. The membership is excited about the work being done at Mount Moriah. We are a body of believers united with a purpose to

Exalt God, Edify the Body of Christ, Equip the Saints for Service and Evangelize the Lost.


2017. All Rights  Reserved. The Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church.

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