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Our Mission


Mission Statement


We the members of the Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church believe that our mission is to exalt GOD, edify the body of Christ, equip the saints for service, and evangelize the lost.


Leadership Statement


We believe all decisions and actions should be consistent with our mission, should be Bible-based, should be bathed in prayer, should be spiritually sound and able to be effectively applied, and should be focused on what is best for the short and long term needs of all members of the Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church.


Vision Statement


“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” Ephesians 4:13


The Vision of Mount Moriah engages us to:


Uplift the Savior supremely in all endeavors and acknowledge His authority as “Head of the Church”.


Uphold the fundamentals of our Christian Faith and family values through faithful fellowship in the Word of God to foster spiritual growth.


Understand our role and responsibility to the community we serve, leading us to pointed mission outreach efforts as guided by the Holy Spirit.


Undergird one another through prayer, spiritual gifts, and the equipping of current and future leaders for Christian service.


Undertake strategic initiatives that would build capacity to address the long term needs of our congregation to include membership projects, financial and facilities planning/development, and technology upgrades.


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